Thought leadership
Together with other dedicated experts within the export credit area EIFO takes part in the work of developing new ideas and improving practice in international cross-border financing, hereby contributing with inspiration and innovation at European, OECD and global levels.

EU Export Finance Lab (ExFi Lab)
The ExFi Lab is an informal think tank consisting of a number of experienced experts within EU’s export financing from, among others, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and the EU Commission who meet for an informal exchange of views and ideas regarding international financing.
EKF initiated ExFi Lab in the autumn of 2018 to secure Denmark’s primary goal within export credit policy, i.e. establishing a level playing field for Danish exporters. EIFO is still in charge of the secretariat function of the think tank.
The aim of the ExFi Lab is to come up with new ideas as to how to secure competitive conditions for EU exporters. The mission of the think tank is to establish a center for new ideas and improved practices in international cross-border financing, thereby contributing with inspiration and innovation at European, OECD and global levels. One of the think tank’s primary goals is to establish and secure a global playing field which enables the continued use of the existing export financing programmes and the development of new programmes allowing substantial support.
In 2020, together with international colleagues, the ExFi Lab produced a White Paper with a series of recommendations to the EU about how to best ensure competitive financing conditions for EU’s exporters globally. The White Paper made an important contribution to the current discussions in the EU and the member states and has been used as a reference in connection with a number of high-level policy papers from, among others, the EU Commission.
As a follow-up to the White Paper from 2020 the ExFi Lab has prepared a supplementary paper in 2024 with the primary message that in transformational times there is still a need to strengthen the role of export credits within the EU and globally. The White Paper puts forward a number of recommendations to both the EU, the member states and the national export financing institutions as to how the EU can do even more to merge instruments, institutions, mandates etc. to ensure and strengthen the competitiveness of European companies.
Read the White Papers below and learn more about the work of
the think tank: LinkedIn.
Take Action or Fall Behind! April 2021 (Re-issue).
Better Together in Transformational Times. January 2024
Market report on trade and development financing
During the past few years the difference between trade and development financing has become less distinctive. At EIFO’s initiative, Offenburg University has prepared a study in cooperation with EIFO and several other ECAs which describes the market for trade- and development financing.
See the study here