ESG Reporting

Equater Principles

The Equator Principles (EPs) are intended to serve as a common baseline and risk management framework for financial institutions to identify, assess and manage environmental and social risks when financing Projects. EIFO became a signatory in 2004. 

EIFO has been a member of Equator Principle Steering Committee since 2021 and became the European representative of the Steering Committee in 2024.

Read more about the Equator Principles on their website here.

Read EIFO's latest EP-report here.

Current category A projects

The following contains information about category A projects, which EIFO is currently assessing for environmental and social sustainability. It also contains information about category A projects from the current calendar year and previous calendar year.


27 February 2024: Changhua 4, Taiwan

Changhua 4 is a 583MW offshore wind farm project, which consists of 42 SG 14-236 DD turbines from Siemens Gamesa. The project is located approximately 50km from the shoreline of Changhua County, off the west coast of mainland Taiwan.


The wind farm is a category A-project according to the OECD Common Approaches. EIFO is conducting environmental and social due diligence against relevant laws, the IFC Performance Standards and OECD Common Approaches.


Please find more information on the project here


If you have any inquiries or comments regarding the project, please contact Nikolaj Gregersen at ngr@eifo.dk


13 October 2023: Golden Plains Stage 2, Australia

The Golden Plains Stage 2 project is an onshore wind project and consists of 93 Vestas 6.2MW turbines and project related infrastructure and will have a total capacity of 576.6MW. The project is located in the state of Victoria approximately 110 kilometers West of Melbourne near the town of Rokewood.

The project might be classified as a Category A-project according to the OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles. EIFO is carrying out environmental and social due diligence against relevant laws and regulations and IFC Performance Standards.

Please find more information on environmental and social issues on the project website.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact Jakob Majcher, jam@eifo.dk

9 June 2023: Baltic Power, Poland

Baltic Power is an offshore wind project and consists of 76 Vestas 15MW turbines with a total capacity of 1,14GW and project related infrastructure such as export and onshore cables. The project is located in the Baltic Sea about 23 kilometers off the shore outside the towns of Choczewo and Łeba.

The project is classified as Category A-project according to the OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles. EIFO is carrying out environmental and social due diligence against relevant laws and IFC Performance Standards.

Please find more information on environmental and social issues on the project website and the Environmental Impact Assessments

If you have any comments or questions, please contact Jakob Majcher, jam@eifo.dk


07 October 2022: Golden Plains onshore wind, Australia

The Golden Plains project is an onshore wind project and consists of 122 Vestas 6.2MW turbines and project related infrastructure and will have a total capacity of 756MW. The project is located in the state of Victoria approximately 110 kilometers West of Melbourne near the town of Rokewood. The project is classified as a Category A-project according to the OECD Common Approaches and Equator Principles. EKF is carrying out environmental and social due diligence against relevant laws and regulations and IFC Performance Standards. Please find more information on environmental and social issues on the project website and in the environmental impact assessment. If you have any comments or questions, please contact Jakob Majcher, jam@ekf.dk

21 June 2022: Hai Long offshore wind, Taiwan

The 1,044 MW Hai Long Offshore Wind Farm is located 45 to 70 km off the west coast of mainland Taiwan, in the Formosa Strait. The windfarm consists of 73 turbines.

The wind farm is a category A-project according to the OECD Common Approaches. EKF is conducting environmental and social due diligence against relevant laws, the IFC Performance Standards and OECD Common Approaches. Please find more information on the project here: Environmental and social impact assessment and the non-technical summary

If you have any comments or need any further information, please contact Morten Jess Nielsen, mjn@ekf.dk.

29 April 2022: Tra Vinh nearshore wind, Vietnam

Tra Vinh is a nearshore wind project located in the Tra Vinh Province in South East Vietnam. The project consists of 12 Vestas turbines with a total capacity of 48MW. The project also includes project related infrastructure such as transmission line and substation.

The project is classified as a Category A-project according to the OECD Common Approaches and a Category B-project under the IFC Performance Standards. EKF is carrying out environmental and social due diligence against relevant laws and regulations and IFC Performance Standards. Please find more information on environmental and social issues on the project here: ESIA.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact Jakob Majcher, jam@ekf.dk

17 January 2022: EFGL offshore wind, France

The Eoliennes Flottantes du Golfe du Lion (EFGL) project is an offshore wind project with floating foundations and consists of 3 MHI Vestas V164-10.0 MW turbines and will have a total capacity of 30MW. 

The project is located approximately 16-18 km off the Mediterranean coast of the towns Leucate and Barcarès. The project is classified as a Category A-project according to the OECD Common Approaches. EKF is carrying out environmental and social due diligence against relevant laws and regulations and IFC Performance Standards. Please find more information on environmental and social issues on the project website.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact Jakob Majcher, jam@ekf.dk